Folk remedies for treating osteochondrosis

Exercise ball training to treat osteochondrosis

Musculoskeletal diseases like today's osteochondrosis are actually not suitable for complete treatment.

However, this group of doctors has enough tools to help effectively prevent the symptoms of the disease and prevent its further development.

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis

Many of these methods require hospitalization, and given the modern pace of life, people do not always have time for hospitalization. How to get rid of osteochondrosis in this situation?

There is only one answer-treatment of osteochondrosis at home. Consider using folk remedies to treat osteochondrosis at home.

Pathogenesis of the disease

According to statistics, every one-third of people under 45 have complained of low back pain. In most cases, this is caused by osteochondrosis of the spine.

The main feature of pathology is the damage to cartilage and bone tissue, and it begins to affect the patient's nervous system during the progress.

Due to the development of computer technology and the development of transportation infrastructure, the physical activity of the population is reduced, and this disease is rapidly "rejuvenating".

But in addition to a sedentary lifestyle, experts also cited other reasons for the development of pathology:

  • Ecology;
  • Eating disorders;
  • Improper distribution of back strength;
  • trauma;
  • Skeletal muscle weakness;
  • Decreased immunity in the context of the development of chronic diseases;
  • Virus and bacterial pathology, etc.
Osteochondrosis back pain

With the modern dynamics of a person's life, he simply does not have enough time to take care of his health. There are always ten other reasons not to do this: work, family, children, etc.

So this person wondered for a long time: Where did he get osteochondrosis when he was 25-30 years old? -Diseases that usually occur in the elderly.

Many people think that going to the clinic is a waste of time. A logical question is brewing: how to treat osteochondrosis at home?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to consider what is the most common treatment method used by experts in the treatment of this pathology.

Only after this, we can consider folk remedies to treat osteochondrosis in order to understand the effectiveness of general alternative treatment methods.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

There is no standard for the treatment of this pathology, and it depends on the individual diagnosis of the patient.

This means that you still need to see a doctor for a diagnosis before starting to treat osteochondrosis at home.

This must be done so as not to cause more damage to your body. Complications of this pathology can cause herniated and herniated discs, which can lead to headaches, loss of limb sensitivity, and even paralysis.

In the hospitalization treatment after diagnosis, experts must first solve three main tasks:

  • Eliminate pain syndrome;
  • Relieve inflammatory process and edema. These symptoms almost always appear during the development of this pathology;
  • Physical therapy procedures are designed to restore damaged tissues, with the main goal being to achieve long-term and lasting relief.
Doctor appointment for osteochondrosis

Alternative methods of treating osteochondrosis of the spine cannot replace comprehensive treatment.

However, alternative treatments for osteochondrosis may help reduce pain symptoms and improve the overall health of the patient.

What medicine can be used at home

Many drugs used to treat osteochondrosis have many serious side effects, so they can only be taken with the permission of the attending doctor.

But what if your back pain is bothering you and you cannot go to the clinic? How to use the medicine provided in the family first aid kit to treat osteochondrosis at home?

Water and pills for treating osteochondrosis

The first thing recommended for acute pain is the drugs in the analgesic group.

In addition to its mild analgesic effect, aspirin also has the ability to thin the blood, thereby promoting better blood circulation and antipyretic effect.

This helps relieve inflammation and swelling of the tissues that squeeze the nerve endings and cause pain.

It is recommended to use an analgesic patch. Among their ingredients, they usually contain lidocaine, which can quickly act as an analgesic.

Osteochondrosis Ointment

In addition, excellent reviews have analgesic ointments that have a cooling effect, usually containing menthol and camphor.

If you are sure that the acute phase of the disease has passed and you have no symptoms of inflammation, it is recommended to use a warming gel: turpentine ointment.

The ointment should be applied directly to the painful area and gently rubbed into the skin. It doesn't make sense to touch the unaffected area.

The cold-acting gel can be used at any time. It is recommended to apply a warm ointment at night and wrap the affected area with a woolen cloth.

Gymnastics at home

Exercise therapy is one of the main effective methods to treat osteochondrosis. A common cause of the development of osteochondrosis is weak muscle structure, unable to cope with physical activity.

Therefore, the entire load falls on the intervertebral discs, so they undergo degenerative changes.

The intervertebral discs between the vertebrae become thinner or, as they say, dry out and lose their function. Gymnastics allows you to increase muscle tone, improve its elasticity and blood circulation.

According to the location of tissue damage and pain syndrome, osteochondrosis can be cervical, thoracic, and lumbosacral vertebrae.

Exercise for osteochondrosis

There are also exercises in different departments, but it is not recommended to exercise only the more tired parts, which will make people uncomfortable, but to exercise various parts of the spine.

attention!If pain occurs during remedial gymnastics, the training should be stopped immediately and performed only under the supervision of an expert.

  1. The first two exercises perfectly stimulate the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine, promote better fluid circulation and make them thicker. To perform them, you should adopt a sitting or standing position. We bend the head forward and backward with very little movement. These actions should remind you that you are having a conversation with this person and what agreement has been reached with him, please say yes.
  2. The next exercise is similar to the first, but now you need to turn your head left and right, as if to say no. The range of motion should not be too large, and should be about 30% of the maximum possible tilt or turn of the head. They are performed several times a day at a convenient time, each for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Neck pain with osteochondrosis
  4. The following spine home therapy exercises can well strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms down along your body. We use our shoulders to make circular movements back and forth. It is also performed several times a day in a variety of ways, 15-20 times in each direction.
  5. To exercise the lumbar spine, it is recommended to do exercises that look more like belly dancing. Starting position, standing, feet shoulder-width apart. We use the pelvis to make circular movements, first in one direction, and then in the other direction. At the same time, we make sure that the chest strap and shoulder strap stay as still as possible. 20 -25 Turning in different directions and doing it two or three times is enough.
  6. Yoga poses for treating osteochondrosis
  7. The purpose of the next exercise is to strengthen the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles. Body position, lying on the stomach, arms stretched forward. We raise our arms, shoulders and head, stay for a while, and then lower ourselves to the starting position. This exercise is performed 10-15 times.

In addition to strengthening the back muscles, don't forget the abdominal muscles. Abdominal muscles involve not only deep breathing, but also maintaining the correct posture. Weak abdominal muscles contribute to the development of lumbar lordosis.

attention!Only regular exercise can benefit the body.

Gymnastics is a good medicine for treating osteochondrosis. The therapeutic effect is achieved by strengthening the muscles and improving the blood circulation in them, thereby preventing the development of the inflammatory process and the edema around the cartilage tissue.

Physical therapy at home

Folk remedies for osteochondrosis are usually taken from the life experience of several generations and are successfully used as physiotherapy procedures in traditional medicine.

Some of them can be done easily at home.

Hot and cold shower

The first folk remedy you can treat osteochondrosis at home is contrast showers.

For many people, this procedure is only related to sclerosis and not everyone understands how this procedure will help fight this pathology.

The explanation here is simple-the blood flow in the muscles, cartilage tissue, and around the skin is sharply redirected.

This promotes the flow of excess fluid from areas of inflammation and edema, and the flow of essential trace elements into damaged tissues.

Osteochondrosis Contrast Shower Photos 1

When a person is in hot water, the body's protective mechanism will be activated, which should prevent him from overheating.

This is achieved by the flow of blood from the internal organs to the muscles and skin. The blood vessels dilate, the blood volume increases, and excess heat is excreted from the body.

When you suddenly stand on a cold stream, the opposite reaction occurs-blood flows from the muscles and skin to the internal organs.

This is the process of body temperature regulation, and at the same time the blood circulation of damaged tissues is normalized, which contributes to the improvement of the overall condition.

The procedure is simple. It must be allowed to stand for 20-30 seconds under tolerable, non-scalding hot water.

Osteochondrosis Contrast Shower Photos 2

Then switch the water to cold water for 10-20 seconds. The procedure should be performed 3-5 times, ending with a cool but comfortable water temperature.

Despite the obvious benefits of this procedure, it still has contraindications:

  • This operation is forbidden when the patient has symptoms of a cold or acute respiratory disease;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs.

The amount of blood from the internal organs to the muscles and back is large enough to cause: heart attack, stroke or internal bleeding. Therefore, the time interval should be gradually increased in cold or warm water to perform this complicated operation.

First, stay under running water for no more than 5-7 seconds, and gradually adjust these values to 30 seconds over a few weeks.

Salt bath

Another folk remedy for osteochondrosis is salt bath. If back pain is caused by excessive muscle tension, they can be very helpful.

To prepare for bathing, you need sea salt or ordinary coarse salt. In this case, refining and purification by evaporation will be less effective.

The volume of a standard bathtub varies from 170 liters to 195 liters. This amount of water will require approximately 5 kg of salt.

The water temperature is from 36 to 38 °С. Any essential oil can be used for best results. After the operation, it is recommended to stand for a few minutes under lukewarm running water.

Osteochondrosis is actually incurable, but using alternative methods of treatment as an additional treatment to the main treatment, it is still possible to stop and win.